Raspberry ketones are natural phenolic compound found in fruits like red raspberries, cranberries, and blackberries and are responsible for their aroma and fruity smell. Since natural raspberry ketones extract can really be scarce, this has to go through some chemical procedure like catalytic hydrogenation in order to yield 99% of it. As the products have been through a process, companies have their own brand and trademark. And they advertise their products in such a way as to make them sound more natural or close to natural raspberry, for instance the phrase “with fresh raspberry ketones”.

Raspberry ketone is used in making perfumes, cosmetics, as well as food additives to bring in the fruity aroma. This natural phenolic compound is actually the most expensive natural food additive in the food industry. Compared to synthetic raspberry ketones that cost much cheaper in price, natural raspberry ketones can range up to $20,000 per kilogram.
Nowadays, products having this compound is really becoming a household name Smart Meal Colorado, especially weight loss supplements. Supplies of these raspberry ketone food supplements for losing weight have been promoted by lots of companies, but only a few of them actually meet the standards set by Dr. Oz. The popularity of raspberry ketones actually started when it was called a “miracle fat burner” in Dr. Oz’s television show. But even though the product is making a big hit in the market today, it is also a common fact that these claims have no solid proof that these products work well with humans.

But since Dr. Oz recommended the product, a lot of people have been convinced that it is authentic and really have good effect, as what its purpose claims. According to his studies, this natural compound is truly a miracle fat burner, as supported by the testimonies of people who have tried it. They claim that fresh raspberry ketones really have increased their metabolism, which helps the body’s fat-burning mechanism to keep the cells on level. Raspberry ketones have been proven to work fast, showing results in as short as a week or two.
For a long period of time, raspberry have been known to have the potential nutrients that work well in decreasing the risk of obesity and liver disease. It also has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients that boost its anti-cancer benefits. But in order to enjoy these benefits, you should eat enough amount of raspberries to get enough ketone enzymes to burn fat or fight sickness. So good that with technology advancement, fresh raspberry ketones can now be extracted and processed into supplement sufficient to meet your body’s need.
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